Envisioning an alternative world

shortly, briefly

Jessica Tin

An interactive story of my trip to Hong Kong with my friends a while ago, centering mundane moments of joy and tiny lessons about what "home" means to me.

Content warnings: looping GIFs in motion, images of food


Link to webzine

Additional Links

Code on GitHub


Twine, Webzine, Multimedia Storytelling, Website


Mobile Safari, Mobile Chrome, Mobile Firefox, Mobile Android Browser, Desktop Safari, Desktop Chrome, Desktop Firefox




A few minutes

Creator Background


Publication Date

March 2021

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Comments & Resonance

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Loved this so much! I am inspired to make my own - how can I learn?

1389d 🙏

@Analisa - I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I have a list of resources on my website as a starting point. I used HTML, CSS, and Javascript to make this, but you can also use an app called Twine to make a similar interactive website with less coding :)

1368d (Edited)